Start Planning Now.

Choices Are Immense.


As kids grow their dreams would change very often. You don't know whether your little darling would want to be a doctor or an enginner or an astronaut and so on….

But can you leave their future at the behest of what they decide to become tomorrow? The time to plan for their future is NOW.

It is important for you to assess your financial situation and create a customized education fund plan that suits you unique needs and circumstances. This may involve setting specific financial goals, determining how much money they can afford to save, and selecting the most appropriate investment strategies to help you achieve your goals.

It's time to make their dreams a reality!!

One Size Doesn't Fit All

You might think that your baby is too young and higher education seems too far away right now. But the time is not too far off when your kids would be discussing with you aboutWHAT THEY WANT TO BE. And if you find it too early to plan for their future, you would be shocked to know that you are late!!

You had it Easy, Would it be Easy for your Kids too?

Income lasting till the next paycheck or not struggling to fulfill the day-to-day needs does not mean that your finances are sorted. We often think that we would cross the bridge when it comes. It's good to live in the moment but what if something crops up which requires you to shell out a huge chunk of money? Be it a new gadget you've been looking for or a foreign trip or Masters in a reputed university or buying a car or otherwise. The lists can be endless.

If you just track down how much you have been spending on these things, you would be shocked to see that they consume a major chunk of your income without even letting you know.

The Start isn't Enough.

When planning for kids, time is the greatest ally. The sooner you start, the more equipped you will be. But when you start, it's important to start the right way.

Parents often end up buying child plans due to emotional marketing gimmicks. Don't let emotions hover practical decisions. Focussing exclusively on products that are labelled as Child Plans or otherwise is a big mistake. These investment oriented insurance are neither good insurance nor good investment. Have a plan that aids your child to fulfill his/her dreams and not just another Child Plan.

How to plan your finances for Children Education?

Child education planning is an important aspect of financial management. Here are some steps that we help you with to plan for your child's education expenses:


Start early

Helping you start saving early to ensure that you have enough money to cover the cost of education. Begin by setting up a separate savings account or investment plan specifically for your child's education.


Creating a budget

Creating a budget that includes your child's education expenses. This can help you to prioritize your spending and save more money for your child's education.


Different investment options

Offer you different investment options that can help you grow your money over time. It can be fixed deposits, mutual funds, and education savings plans.


Monitoring your progress

Regularly monitoring your progress and adjust your savings and investment strategies as needed to ensure that you stay on track to meet your child's education goals.


Help with education loans

If you are unable to save enough for your child's education, we help you with taking an education loan. Making sure to help you find a loan that is affordable and has favorable terms and conditions.

creating a budget, exploring different investment options, and monitoring your progress, you can ensure that you have enough money to cover your child's education expenses.

Questions you might want to ask.

An education fund is a savings plan that parents can use to finance their child"s education expenses, such as tuition fees, books, and living expenses.

Parents should start planning for their child"s education fund as soon as possible, ideally when their child is still young. This gives parents more time to save and invest, and also allows them to take advantage of compounding interest.

There are several types of education funds, including 529 plans, Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, and custodial accounts. Each type of fund has its own benefits and drawbacks, so parents should choose the one that best fits their needs and financial situation.

The amount that parents should save for their child"s education will depend on a variety of factors, such as the cost of tuition, their child"s academic goals, and their own financial situation. Financial advisors typically recommend saving enough to cover at least 50-75% of the total cost of education.

Parents can invest their education fund savings in a variety of financial instruments. The best investment strategy will depend on the parents" risk tolerance, investment goals, and financial situation.

In most cases, education fund savings should only be used for education-related expenses. However, there are some exceptions, such as if the child decides not to attend college or if the funds are used for qualified educational expenses.

If the child doesn"t go to college, the education fund savings can be allocated to other funds such as emergency and risk management.

Parents should regularly review and adjust their education fund plan as their child grows older and their financial situation changes. This may involve increasing or decreasing their savings, adjusting their investment strategy, or considering alternative education funding options.